Our Process - Duffy Recruitment Research™

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Strategy Development

After a discussion of your needs and timelines, we begin asking the questions that will sharpen our focus and help define the path to success. Where are you in the process right now? What steps have already been taken? Have you identified candidates that you want to reach out to immediately? We’ll help develop the best strategy and only then begin deployment of the plan.

Name Generation

Targeting the people you want – precisely and successfully – is what we do best. Our firm’s reputation was built on our research methodology; it’s what sets us far apart from the competition. We know the best candidates are not necessarily reading the job boards or employment ads. We know how to find targeted talent and connect with them personally.

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Position Promotion

A critical part of the process is making sure potential candidates know the job, the company and its culture, and all the important nuances that go into a successful search. We’ll also make sure your ideal candidate understands the important role they are about to play.

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Candidate Evaluation

Our comprehensive evaluation provides you maximum value and includes in-depth interviews with candidates that we feel fit your culture and needs. We use the knowledge gained from our strategy sessions to ask the pertinent questions. Then, we prepare a profile on each candidate and present it to you with our informed recommendations. We prioritize those who most closely fit your specifications; those who do not will be included in the research report.

Presentation And Report

When we present the final candidates for your consideration, you will receive more than a list of names. Our report will include valuable competitive data and intelligence that can be useful not only in the current scenario, but in future recruitment efforts. The results are a collaboration of our methods and your insights… all leading to finding the right person for the job.

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