• Hiring in 2022? Start Planning Now

    hiring 2022

    Where is all the talent?

    If you’re asking yourself that question, you’re not alone. In its 2021 State of Online Recruiting, iHire found that nearly three-quarters of employers nationwide struggle to find qualified candidates.

    That trend likely will continue, as 77% of iHire’s survey participants said they anticipate the talent shortage to continue in the coming year.

    One of the best ways to confront this challenge is to begin thinking about your hiring needs now. It starts with a plan that can serve as a blueprint of the positions that need to be filled and the approach for hiring them.

    Consider following these steps:

    1. Build out your budget and anticipate your headcount beginning with the open positions you will need to fill in the first quarter of the year. Keep in mind that you’ll want to start the recruitment process no later than October for January new hires.

    2. Meet with your recruitment partners – internally and externally – to discuss hiring needs, niche roles and the candidate qualifications. Identify recruiters with expertise, experience and networks in key industries where you may mine for talent, and collectively agree upon ways to maximize the skills and resources of the team.

    3. Shore up your brand. Before you launch your recruitment plan, take an audit of your company – the good and the bad. What is your company’s brand identity? What about the brand experience for employees? Identify your firm’s unique selling proposition, including what makes you different and why your next great hire would want to join the firm. Be sure to gauge your company’s online reputation, too, by sifting through reviews on Glassdoor and other online resources. Strategize ways to address any potential issues.

    4. Create a promotions plan to help sell the positions to potential candidates. Think about what employees are seeking from companies and what your firm is doing to find and retain the best people. Then craft compelling messages and determine the best ways to reach prospects, whether through a posting on the company website, social media or other channels. Complement these efforts with thoughtful and creative communications by your external recruiting partner.

    5. Constantly evaluate what’s working and what’s not, and alter your approach, as needed. There’s no need to look out the entire year; a quarter-by-quarter plan is best, considering the evolving workplace.

    As the economy continues to grow, the competition for talent will be fierce. While finding the next great hire may seem like a monumental task, it’s not impossible, especially if you start early and have a thoughtful plan in place.

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